Girl Scout Cookies/Hand 7b - Keep the pair of jacks

From Create Your Own Story

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“Three cards please,” you say.

“Three for me too,” Lin says.

“I only need one,” declares Claire as she distributes new cards.

You look at your new cards but see little that helps your hand. “A pair of jacks,” you say hopefully.

“I’ve got queens,” Lin says brightly.

“Even better,” Claire says, showing her hand. “A full house! Looks like that’s the end of the road for you.”

You stand up and peel off your underwear. Your cock is still at attention from enjoying the sights of the girls’ bodies.

“Since we still have three pieces of clothing on, you owe us for nine boxes of cookies,” Claire figures.

Claire takes your money, while Lin gets dressed. You take this chance to get a good eyeful of Claire’s breasts up close. “Any chance we could play another game?” you ask hopefully.

“Nope, you had your chance,” Claire responds as she puts her clothes back on. “But it was fun. I hope you enjoy your cookies.”


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