Go to the cheap hotel

From Create Your Own Story

You stagger to the snow as the cold winds blow through your body making you freeze. With your violent cough you shouldn’t even be out here in the cold. Reaching the hotel you enter and inspect the lobby. Red carpets and lots of comfortable chairs seem to be the theme. Despite being a relatively cheap hotel its located in one of the finer parts of town so the guest relax on the sofa while reading the daily news. You move up to the counter which is occupied by a pretty little blond with a cute uniform on. She wears eyeglasses which really don’t go along with her pretty face. She doesn’t notices you at first but when she does she instantly recognizes you.

“Hello mister Fletcher, I’m still free for that date you promised.” She removes her glasses and seductively bites the bows of her glasses.

Before you have time to become embarrassed and forced to explain your amnesia a sudden immobilizing cough befalls you. You crumble to the floor as the violent coughing makes you lose consciousness.

“Mister Fletcher, Mister Fletcher! Help! Please don’t die we haven’t lost a customer yet!” The pretty receptionist says as you mind drifts away.


                                  January 16, 2008

You wake up on an comfrotable bed several hours later, you can tell because its dark outside. Yet you feel a lot better. You’re in a hotel room, what was it that receptionist told you before you blacked out? A date, never lost a customer? You come to the conclusion that you must have rented a room here before the amnesia. Weird through that you weren’t taken to the hospital. You look around the room but it doesn’t bring back any memories. You can look through the drawers, read that black book you found or get out of bed and look out the window.

Look through the hotel room’s drawer

Get up and walk to the hotels bathroom

Get up and look out the window

Open a page at random in the black book you found

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