Your place seems a good idea

From Create Your Own Story

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On your way back you remember that a slave of yours that work the night shift in a hotel not so far from your place left you a message about a group Swedish exchange students staying there for the night. They would make a perfect hunting ground for Fei.

When you get to your place The Chinese girl is impressed by the vast display of luxury in your place. To make her experience even more unique you bring her to the terrace. The view over the park is breathtaking. Fei is amazed by the size of the balcony she runs from one end to the other laughing like a little kid. You choose the moment she bends over the edge to look how far away is the street to slip behind her. Both of your hands on the ledge imprison her. You press your body against hers rubbing your belly against her back. She grabs the back of your head, unknowingly offering you her neck.

Pressing her even more against the balcony you lick her neck for a while. You can smell her slit getting wetter and wetter. At first she moans, but as your assaults on her neck get more intense she starts to shout in pleasure. Your hand finds its way into her trousers and you shove three fingers into her at the same time your fangs pierce her neck.

Her blood rich from her excitation makes you even hornier than you already are. You release her neck, bite your wrist and shove it on her mouth.

"Drink" you whisper to her hear.

She licks your blood gently at first but soon she grabs your arm and drinks deeply from you. The feeling is wonderful and you fall your knees before forcing her to let you go. You feel weak and exhausted but she was worth the trouble. Her rebirth his almost instantaneous and she looks even more dazzling with her red eyes and bloody fangs.

She helps you to sit up and start playing with your pussy while you gather strength.

When you arrive at the hotel it's long past bedtime.

Your slave greets you with all the respect you deserve. You see Fei staring at his neck but you order her to stand down.

The receptionist gives you a set of keys and tells you that he has received complaints from one of the rooms near the exchange student’s floor. There might be a party going on. He gives you the numbers of three other students’ rooms and the teacher rooms.

Apparently they all come from a catholic school for girls in Stockholm but they seem to take advantage of their new continent visit to break the rules they were so harshly given by their teachers back home.

What do you do?

Crash the party.

Go to one of the quieter rooms.

Go to the teacher’s room.

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