Lady Van Helsing/Let her continue

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< Lady Van Helsing
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Your mind screams at you to stop her, that something is wrong and you are in terrible danger, but the pleasure is simply too great to do anything more than twist and writhe under this strange woman and moan into her sucking mouth. You feel your orgasm building, and know that, whatever is happening, the end isn't soon off.

As you near your climax, you feel a crawling, tickling sensation over your entire body, as if you were being wrapped in smooth, writhing snakes. Glancing downward, you are horrified to find that your body is being wrapped by animated strips of cloth, and you are being mummified alive! Your vision is quickly cut off as the wrappings cover your eyes, and then it happens. You scream into the woman's mouth, your climax washing through your entire being like a typhoon. You feel as if you are being pulled loose by the pleasure, as if your soul is being drawn down until your entire essence is centered within your womanhood. Your orgasm continues on and on, longer than you have ever experienced. You gush your fluids and your soul into the woman's waiting pussy, her opening actually consuming both, sucking them into her body. Your mind slips away as your essence is consumed, your entire being becoming nothing more than fuel to empower the beautiful monster that has consumed you.

The next morning, a scream from the housekeeper signals the discovery of your and Dr Frinks' bodies, mummified and dessicated as if you were thousands of years dead. Police, investigating your death, seek to question Dr Dexter, but he has vanished without a trace, leaving police baffled and without any leads.

In the months following your death, rumors begin to circulate amongst the natives about a pale woman that can be seen walking the streets of Cairo at night, with death following in her wake. Authorities are troubled by these rumors, as well as reports of a cult that has sprung up amongst the populace, lead by a dark-skinned man who appears and speaks as if he was one of the pharaohs of old, and amazes his followers with strange machines and tales of forbidden things, preaching all the while that the end of the rule of man is nigh...


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