Battle Royal - Zach Brach: Attempt to Save Rhonda

From Create Your Own Story

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"You're right," you said in response to the teacher's psychopathic ranting as you stood to your feet with an emotionless, dark expression on your face like that of a monster's. "I will slaughter. I will slaughter YOU!" you said before launching your body forward to assault the teacher; however, before you could make the full leap a sound caught your ear...the sound of breathing!

"Rhonda!" you scream as you look behind you and witness Rhonda lying upon the floor with her chest heaving up and down as she takes in breath after breath. Apparently the gun shot to her head didn't hit anything vital. She was sure to either be stuck within an eternal coma or paralyzed, but at least she wasn't dead.

"Grr! That bitch is still alive?" asked the teacher; however, you ignore this statement as you rip off your right sleeve from your shirt and tie it tightly around Rhonda's head to prevent it from bleeding out any more than it already has. "I don't get it Zach. Why is it that you resist me? Why do you resist my temptations. If you were to just give in to the darkness then you could become invincible! You could survive the Battle Royale! So why? Why do you resist? You stand no chance as long as you allowed yourself to be lead by the light! What is it that you are trying to accomplish?" exclaimed the Teacher in a confused voice.

'"Why?" ask you ask mostly to yourself as you crawled to the left and took hold of the gun you previously tossed away. "What am I trying to accomplish?" he asked yet again mostly to himself as he unsteadily stood to his feet. "What I not to win this stupid Battle Royale of yours. What I want is not to survive. What I want is to save my friends! To get them and Rhonda Price away from that god forsaken island safely! That is my goal. That is my resolve!"'Bold text you exclaimed as you raise the pistol within the air into the air before lowering it so that it points directly at...

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