WAS: Leave Helena and Lyna here

From Create Your Own Story

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Great people cannot let others get in their way, Lyna and Helena are expendable. As you descend to the base of the mountain which holds the gates you ponder on what will happen to them. They will most likely be tortured to death despite being completely innocent. When your brothers find out that you killed your father they will take out their anger on your slaves. It will take long for them to die, the torturers enjoy their work. You imagine their body’s strung up and whipped until their skin is flayed off. You push that image aside, they are already a part of the past.

As you stand in the main hall ready to leave your kingdom in the middle of the night you also look at the rock that is your home. Unlike your slaves you do not know what will happen to it. Will it be conquered by foreign nations or enter a new golden age? There is no way to tell. This hallow mountain has been your home and you curse the woman on the statue for separating you from it. From heir to the throne to traitor in one nights work, destiny works in mysterious ways.

The slaves open the gate, you give them a stern, impatient look so that they do not ask question. They will however remember your face and report this the next day. A new chapter in your life begins as you ride out into the darkness, towards an uncertain future.


It rained the next day, and the day after that. The wet, dirty landscape fits your sorrowed mode. A large oak shelters you from the full force of the cold rain. You rest and take a look at your map.

The seven mountains are surrounded by high mountains to the north, the sea to the west, independent city states to the south and the kingdom of Ugarit to the east. It’s not too farfetched that Ugarit will be your enemy as well from here on. Killing its ally is bound to provoke some animosity, so Ugarit is ruled out as a possible escape route. Obviously you can’t cross the sea to the west so there goes another escape route. The independent city states to the south however is a place where a man such as your self could live a lucrative life. The diplomatic relations between the states is always fleeting. At war during the summer, allies at winter. Mercenaries are always welcomed. At last you have the great mountains to the north, a harsh place to make once living. Barbarians room those lands, law and order are unknown to its inhabitants. It is a place where a man is forced to make his living by the sword.

You pull down your map and let your self have a small sigh in annoyance. Whatever path you chose the easy life of being a prince is over. Traveling in pouring rain is also very discouraging. Maybe you should seek to stay at a farmers house until the rain stops, maybe even meet some juicy farmers daughters?

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