WAS: “Priestess“

From Create Your Own Story

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Your senses die off as your vision fades, you cannot hear the chants but the blurry image of a priestess is the last thing you remember before going unconscious.

In your dreams you float upwards. You body remains but the soul and spirit travel to another realm. The unearthly panic of being transformed from the material world to the spiritual world grip you with a fear you didn’t think you were able to feel. You struggle in vain; maybe this is death griping you with her cold hands? Then everything turns tranquil, the world around you is made of matter once again, you stand in a big room, relived to be in a place habitual to humans.

The walls are like the waves of the sea and the ground soft like the sands of the desert. This existence is disoriented to you but your soul and spirit can feel safe again. There is no pain or fear of death here, only a calming silence. On your deathbed your essence has traveled into the spiritual world. The god who brought you here appears.

“Awaken, Faust of the seven mountains”

Her voice is like a warm, fierce wind. It travels right through you, affecting you to your very core. It fills you with the energy that made the cosmos and the gods. The experience is like being born again, new life energy filling you with all the senses a man can posses. You stand overwhelmed before this gods power as she shows herself to you. In this disoriented existence your first though is that it’s the woman on the statue in your father’s treasure room that has called you here. You remember that fateful night with anger, but you quickly quell that anger when you realize the mistake you made. It isn’t the woman on the statue, but they do look alike.

Before you is an statue, an avatar of the god who sent you here. Her statue rises above you, well over twenty meters into the air. She is seated on her throne, her hair decorated with flowers and crowns. In her hands she holds a spiral and a dagger. The spiral symbolizing justice while the dagger symbolizes the punishments that always follows justice. She has a stern look on her face, with hollow eyes that look almost threatening. Yet her character also emits fairness. She’s a judge, a god of law. “Great a god properly Faust!”

Silently cursing your rude manners you get down on your knees and bow respectfully. “You stand before the goddess of justice Illunja. I have something of you Faust. A task”

“A task my excellence?”

“Yes a task, one most vital” She takes a pause before continuing, you guess even gods like dramatic suspension. “You are the prince of the seven mountains, yet you stand along the mercenaries serving the children of Hysta. An army that is about to storm the city of Trellingblad.” She takes another pause. You’re not sure if she’s waiting for you to confirm what she said but decide to keep your mouth shut.

“In this city there exists someone very important to me. An woman of my followers of very important value. She has a great destiny before her, just like you young prince.” Mixed feeling boil through your body as she mentions your destiny, feelings of pride, joy and lust. “Her name is Alumna, she resides in my temple near the royal palace.

“When the army storms the city and they will storm the city, very soon. You must save her from the plunders. Protect her two virtues, her innocent body and her virginity. Do this and you will be rewarded, a boon from the gods.”

Just as you think the conversation is over she adds another surprising remark. “Of course you are always free to decline this task.”

“Decline my excellence! Decline a task from an goddess?” You say astonished by her words.

“Faust, the individual’s destiny is always set and can never be changed. However the way that they get to that destiny is based solely on their own actions.” With these words of wisdom she leaves you to make your decision.

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