A very cute, nerdy-looking girl... skinny brunette Melony

From Create Your Own Story

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"Hi, Melony," you say. "What on earth could *you* have done to be brought here?" You can't imagine the quiet, nerdy girl doing anything bad.

"Um," Melony says, blushing, "I... ah... well..."

Mrs. Parsons giggles. "She made copies of the test I had prepared, under duress. Some of the less intelligent members of the class forced her to break into the room where I had the tests stored. They held her at knife-point and once they had the questions, they made her give them the answers. I caught on when half the class got a 100%. Because she was an unwilling participant, she's merely suspended for the year: everyone else involved got expelled."

Melony nods, blushing shamefully. "She's a little inexperienced in the ways of sex," Mrs. Parsons says. "But she learns quickly. Now I want you two to pleasure yourselves while I watch."

Status Bar
Health 100 Equipment:


Status {{{Status}}}
Gender Male
Social Group Rebel
Boyfriend/Girlfriend Mrs. Parsons
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