Talk:Smutty Sex Romp

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 00:34, 6 February 2010 by RobKohr (Talk | contribs)

Dude, you have a lot of time on your hand to write this much.

Writing is the acquiescent sport in which I adore. Don't stop adding pages (plz help with Jade Rogue. It only has a few pages!)Oh, and whoever wrote that at the top is a playa-hater, straight up! And they make it sound as if you only have one hand! ~Kitana134

For location pages, please link to the first page of the location. This way we can jump to that part of the story.

More jump points

It would be great if it was possible to jump to more points in the story from the beginning. Right now it is so big, and I feel that I am missing so much.


This story has gotten so big, it would be great if someone created a map like this: chimneyrockoutline.png

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