I serve only you mistress Jasmin

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“Good, you are now my property, do you understand?” You nod in agreement hopping she will let you taste her pussy. But as soon as you agree to becoming her property a needle is jammed into your neck and everything goes black.


You spend the next week on the edge of unconsciousness. You can see what goes on before you, but your dream like state keeps you from forming vivid memories. You can do nothing but watch the blurry images before you. You can however remember laying on a table while a doctor performed surgery on you and boarding a plane. The rest is to blurry to make out.


You have been brought to Jasmines secret harem in the middle of the Colombian jungle. Here Jasmin has built the garden of Eden, a heaven on earth. The Colombian jungle is nature’s most beautiful creation; Jasmin has made it blend seemingly with the gardens she has constructed here. The entire garden is sealed off by a wall. Several building have been constructed in this wonderful garden with architectural inspiration from all corners of the world, the most magnificent of all being Jasmines own pleasure palace. Here you have been brought in shackles. You kneel down before Jasmin while your hands are chained to two pillars and your mouth gagged. However during the week long hibernation your body has been modified. You now have G-cup implants.

Jasmin begins to speak “I’m sure that you are devastated by the modifications done to your body but remember, I never forced you to become my property you chose freely.” A cold wind of embarrassment sweeps over you. With these melons on your chest you could never be seen in normal society. It would be impossible to walk down the street without constantly being harassed by the onlookers. When your boobs are bigger than your waist you know that you’re a freak. If you can’t get these things out of you then your life is ruined. Plus the implants weight a ton, making your back ache. Jasmin continues. “I bet your wondering why I brought you here to my secret harem. Well it’s because you were a former servant of Vladimir and I want him to come to me. Your kidnapping can make that happen. You are but a tool for me to get Vladimir.” Jasmin makes a pause to let this information sink in then continues. “Here in the hearth of the Colombian jungle I have enslaved two of every country’s most beautiful women. When I was eighteen and nineteen I entered the miss universe competition to bring glory to Colombia. Naturally I won both times easily but I also enslaved all my competitors.” This is shocking information, only Jasmin, who controls the South Americas drug production can have such power that she can keep these kidnappings hidden from the world’s media. “However I do not need all those slaves to pleasure me. So I divided up the slaves and gave them to several Colombian males. These males now live along side me in various gardens in this heaven. Each one with their own harem of foreign women. They dominate them as they please. I will not reveal my motives for this Sharon, but I will let you understand them for yourself. There will be sometime before Vladimir gets here, during that time you will live with one of these Colombian males and his Harem. That’s why your modifications were necessary; you cannot match the beauty of the other slaves so I had to make you stand out somehow. Otherwise you would just be ignored.” Jasmin had basically turned you into a sexual freak for some Colombian farm boy.


You are unchained and follow Jasmin to your selected master. “His name is Pedro and he’s from a country village. I chose him because he’s only 17 and has a lust for big titted blonds.” You reach Pedros garden and can you see what power this 17 young boy possesses. He is the master of twelve blond slaves. You recognize the American and German contestant from the miss universe competition among his stable. They both reach the final 10 in their competition. Pedro is tall man, standing almost two meters tall. His hair is of course dark and cut short while his bronze skin served to emphasize his muscular physique. He’s surrounded by his slaves who worship his body like true slaves despite them being the most beautiful of their people.

“Pedro get over here” Jasmin yells. Pedro walks up to the two of you and Jasmin continues. “Pedro this is your new slave for the moment, I need you to take care of her for a while, show her how things are done around here.”

“For how long, I have my hands full with the American and German bitches over there?” Pedro asks and points at his two most beautiful slaves.

“Only about a week, have fun” Jasmin says and walks away leaving you with Pedro. What does Pedro do to you?

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