Drive to your parent's house

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 08:06, 13 December 2009 by Rodneystoops (Talk | contribs)
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Going out the apartment door you head to your cute four door car, room for kids in the future,but still trendy enough to be cool. Sliding behind the wheel you turn the key and switch on the radio. A groggy sounding radio dj announces a new song by an emo band and you tolerate it as you pull out onto the road. Your family lives out in the suburbs making you drive an hour and a half to their quiet house that looks just like their neighbors. Few people are out this early, an old man jogs down the street slower than you walk, a woman in her thirties with bright orange hair tends to her garden and a dog chases a squirrel. Careful not to hit the dog you pull into the driveway but don't see any cars in the drive.


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