Lunge at him with the stake

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 05:12, 16 November 2009 by Rawar (Talk | contribs)

You're not going down without a fight! Yelling, you lunge at Walfreid with your stake. You stab at thin air. A hand reaches from behind you and grabs your stake hand. It forces your fingers open, and you drop your weapon. Walfreid spins you around to face him.

His mouth is twisted in a mirthless smile. "Good try, but not nearly good enough." You avert your eyes and try to kick him. "Ah ah ah. None of zat." He grabs your chin and turns your face toward his. " No more of zat. Are we good now?" Your body relaxes involuntarily. "Zis doesn't have to be unpleasant, Melissa."

"Let me go!" you order.

"Ve're vay past zat point." he growls. "And just zink! After zis, you get to live forever. Or at least, until zome young upstart shoves a stake in your chest." He gets a far off look in his eyes, then he snaps back to you. "Ah! I am gettink distracted! Vere vere ve? Oh yes, ze bitink." Your mind goes fuzzy. You close your eyes and feel his hot breath on your neck. Then comes the prick. It's not as unpleasant as you thought it would be.

You have died.

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