Keep looking out the window

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 01:16, 28 October 2009 by Relafen66 (Talk | contribs)

The song drifted in the background with static in between poor reception.

Senza fine (without end)

Tu trascini la nostra vita (you drag our life)

Senza un attimo di respiro (without a moment of breathing)

Per sognare (to dream)

Per potere ricordare (to be able to remember)

Cio che abbiamo gia vissuto (what we have already lived)

Senza fine (without end)

Tu sei un attimo senza fine (you are a moment without end)

Non hai ieri (you don't have yesterday)

Non hai domani (you don't have tomorrow)

Tutto e ormai nelle tue mani (everything and by this time in your hands)

Mani grandi (big hands)

Mani senza fine (hands without end)

Non m'importa della luna (i don't care about moon)

Non m'importa delle stelle (i don't care about stars)

Tu per me sei luna e stelle (you are for me moon and stars)

Tu per me sei sole e cielo (you are for me sun and sky)

////Continuation...... in next part (talk to person next to you.)/////

To appreciate the total music ([1])

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