Follow Him

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 02:59, 4 July 2009 by Platypus (Talk | contribs)
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You decide to follow Callin down the hall. You catch the curious eye of a few people, but what's realy on your mind is why Callin seems to be down today. He leads you outside and into the large garden that was originally placed there for it's club. You look up around you at the tall colorful hedges as they engulf you and Callin. The garden was built like a maze. Recalling this you quickly set you sights back on Callin, hoping he'll know his way out.

Callin turns around and sees you're anxious. He gives you a small smile and holds out his hand. "Don't worry," he says, "I won't let us get lost." For some reason, his words make you blush. You hold your head down while reaching for his hand. He holds on tight.

Up ahead you see a large green house. Callin walks you inside and, as if reluctantly, lets go of your hand. He's gone back to looking depressed and isn't looking at you. " Callin, is there something wrong? You ask him with sincere worry n your voice. Callin takes a deep breath and his sad expression is replaced with a determined one. He turns around and looks you in the eye.

"Alex, there's something I have to ask you, and it's really important that you tell the truth," he says. This surprises you, but you know that if it will make him feel better you'll do anything.

"Okay, I promise I'll tell you the truth," you say.

"Alex," he says as he expression grows painful. "Did you sleep with Trent Baleway?" he asks, looking down while his face turns red. "I know it's none of my business, but if I don't find out it'll always bother me."


Tell him "Yes."

Tell him "No."

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