Idea Pitches

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 18:05, 11 September 2008 by Monkey76 (Talk | contribs)

This is a page full of IDEAS for choose your own adventures that haven't been authored yet. Sometimes, you have a great idea, but you just can't finish its story, right? Post the idea or unfinished piece here and have it changed.

Jeffthedork: I've been thinking about a story were: 3 teens are dared to spend the night in a haunted house and they get attacked by gousts and they find secret rooms and stuff like that.

---Good idea. What name and what rating?

---Jeffthdork: Rating = R. Name = Fright.

Jeffthedork: I've go another idea: A haunted prison kills it's convicts and it's guards. You would be a guard and have to try to live. The prison would be able to turn on machines by its self and make unreal stuff happen like the back wall of a cell push the inmate in the cell against the cell door, slicing him into many pieces.

NovelOfDoom: Is this page public?I hope so,cause I'm not sure xD.I had an idea for a story that I couldn't finish.Your a average guy who has a wife and 2 kids.Then all of a sudden this dude calls,saying he has a expert sniper who has a lock on your family,and you gotta go through a bunch of obstacles(involving fighting numerous enimies) assigned by the guy,or else he'll order the sniper to take out your kids and wife.Sorry that was so long :P

Yes, this page is public. And that's not too long for an idea pitch. --Platypus 16:17, 24 August 2008 (PDT)

NovelOfDoom :Oh ok :P.Is it a good idea?I'm really bored and I think I'll continue writing.Could you give me some tips?A good title?I'd appreciate it!

monkey76: how about a story where the laws of phisics don't apply so the most sensable choice might not work eg: if you ask boss for a raise he explodes and if you kick him he'll give you the ocarina of time. or is that a bad idea?

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