Chaos-Stay hidden

From Create Your Own Story

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You decide to remain hidden, crouching low behind the cracked remains of a wall, your breathing controlled and quiet. The figure continues to scan the horizon, moving slowly, their steps deliberate, almost unnatural. That faint glow surrounding them flickers, casting eerie shadows on the ground. You focus your attention, trying to pick up any clues about who—or what—they might be.

Minutes pass, and then the figure suddenly stops. They raise a hand, fingers splayed wide, and you feel a shift in the air—a pulse of energy rippling outward. The ground around you vibrates ever so slightly, and in the distance, the rusted remains of farm machinery creak and groan as if responding to some unseen force. It’s clear now: this person has powers.

They begin to speak, though you can't hear the words clearly from your position. Their voice is low, guttural, as if communicating with someone—or something—you can’t see. You watch as their hand movements grow more precise, almost like they’re conducting some form of ritual. You sense power building, but to what end, you can’t be sure.

Suddenly, a second figure emerges from the shadows behind a ruined tractor. This one is larger, armored with makeshift plates of scrap metal and wielding a massive, jagged blade. They move silently, standing at attention, waiting for the first figure’s orders. The two seem to be part of something larger, perhaps a scouting party, or worse—a hunting squad.

This might be your chance to learn more, but staying hidden could be risky if their powers are attuned to detecting nearby threats.

As you remain concealed, weighing your next move, two clear options form in your mind:

You could stay put and see what happens next. The figure is clearly using some form of power, and now with a second person emerging, you might gather more information about their intentions or their mission. However, if they’re searching for something—someone—like you, it’s only a matter of time before they might sense your presence.

But there’s no telling how strong these two might be, especially with powers involved. You could use your stealth to quietly slip away, avoiding a direct encounter. Retreating could give you time to gather more information later or even find reinforcements, but you would be leaving behind whatever intelligence or resources they might have.

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