PN/Post a video of you embracing the situation (16 naked snapchat)

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 05:49, 16 March 2024 by Gearsfan300 (Talk | contribs)

You decide that making a video to acknowledge the situation is both a good idea and kinda hot. You put on a matching pair of a bra and thongs, followed by the rest of your school uniform. Reminding them how innocent you look in your uniform while they can also see you fully naked sounds like a sexy confusion. You open up Snapchat and prop your phone on your dresser. The screen shows that most of your room is visible, including you from the top of your head down to your toes. Standing in front of your phone, you hit record and begin your video.

Looking at the camera, you start talking, "Okay, so I'm really embarrassed right now and I'm sure you all know why. I don't know how or why, but my snapchat got hacked and someone posted nude pictures of me on my story. I still don't know how to delete them, but I want to talk about everyone's responses. Some of you said some rude things or called me a liar, which is really messed up. Some of you said stuff like saying I had nice boobs or that I looked good 'bald down there.' That's all super awkward, but thanks I guess. And lastly, a bunch of you told me to just embrace it. Embrace that everyone I know has seen me naked!? Are ya'll fucking crazy!? Some of you even said to post more! That's the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard!"

You stare silently at the camera for a moment, preparing for what comes next. Taking a deep breath, you continue, "That's what I thought at first. As the messages kept coming, I decided to rethink it a bit. I mean, knowing you all have seen my boobs and pussy is the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to me. But at the same time, I can't undo that or anything. I can't somehow make everyone forget what I look like naked. So in some ways, I think just accepting it is the right thing to do. Rather than let this ruin my life, I can own and embrace it. So fuck it, I will."

You take a step back so your whole body is in view of the camera again. As you start to unbutton your blouse, you say, "I guess I'll start with the blouse. You all have seen me wearing it every day at school, so now let me show you what I wear under it." You finish unbuttoning it and pull it off, revealing your bra-clad tits. "With C-cup boobs like mine, I need to wear a bra under the blouse to make sure they aren't bouncing around all day at school. Then of course, there's the leggings..." You grab them and push them down, before kicking them off as you stand in just your bra and panties.

"These are not the type of underwear I generally wear, sometimes I like to wear thongs because of the way they feel. Thanks to volleyball, I do also have a nice butt that I know looks good in a thong." You turn around and show your young, bubble butt to the camera. You turn back around and continue, "Well there you have it. I'm choosing to embrace my body rather than let this all destroy me. Thank you for coming to my TED talk!" You finally lean in and finish recording. You post the video to your story

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