Game Over fantasy/The Minotaur's Gauntlet : Helplessly raped by the wandering grell

From Create Your Own Story

You aren't carried long. The orcs walks down a long winding corridor before reaching an intersection with a wooden cross. Unceremoniously, the orcs pins you to the cross and pass a rope over your wrist. You suddenly feel the linen ropes bites your skin as the orc behind the cross pulls it tight and anchor it to the floor. They repeat the process for your other hand despite you kicking and flailing. They quickly fix that problem as one of them grab your ankle and lift it up, pushing your flexibility to the limit as he pins your foot next to your hands, raising your legs high with your ass sticking out helplessly. They pass a rope around your ankles and you are soon tied up to the cross with your pussy and ass in plain offering. You blush intensely at the embarassing position. "What do you think you're doing ! Untie me this instant you brute! I will not suff-Mph!" further complaints from your mouth are immedietly muffled as the orc had enough of your mewling and slap a ball gag into your mouth, wrapping the cord around the back of your head.

You struggle fruitlessly as the two brutes laugh at your predicament, leaving without so much as a good bye with a slap on the ass. You remain stuck for what seems like nearly an hours. The silence of the corridor is unnerving. The orc really just abandonned you here ? Unfortunately for you, the silence is quickly replaced by a strange noise that seems to be approaching. Your heart skip a beat as you manage to turn your head enough to spot the creature from the darkness. A strange digusting mass of tentacles hanging loosely from a floating brain with a thick beak. You know this creature... A grell. An alien abberration haunting dark caverns. No mere animals, these creatures possesses disgusting intelligence. You continue to struggle in the hope to get free as the creature approaches it's newest victim.

Fear grips your heart as the creature hovers right in front of you. It's beak could tear you to shred and you are bound helpless and naked to this blasted cross-post. It growls quietly but doesn't seem to attack. You don't know yet but it reserves a fate far worst for you than just consuming you for sustenance. You feel them first, without seeing them. The horrible creature's slimy tentacle begins to trace along your skin. It begins on your asscheek and legs as well as your arm. but they slowly envelop you. You cannot close your legs and you cannot even scream as the tentacles leaves a trail of horrid slime on your skin as it begins to grope you all over. In a few seconds, you are entangled in them as they wrap around your limbs. Despite the situation, your body can't help but warm up as the tentacles passes over your soft breasts and between your legs, leaving a strange tingling slimes onto your sensitive sex, prompting it's natural reaction to lubricate itself.

After a few seconds, you hear a disgusting wet sounds and your eyes are drawn to the bottom of the grell where a peculiar appendage that has just dislodged itself from the floating brain. It hangs looses but slowly begins to stirs to life. You notice it is different than the other and your keen mind sadly quickly identify it as similar to those used by several insect to reproduce. Your doubts are confirmed when you see a disgusting bulge moves from the base of the tentacle, slowly to the bottom until the tip of the tentacle split open and release an wet slimy eggs on the floor. The sight settle in your mind and you renew your efforts to try and break free, groaning against your bonds. The creature let out a strange growl and you would swear it was laughing at your fear. It might as well be.

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