Furry World/Male Dragon-Rabbit/Have Cheval give you a ride

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You ask Cheval, "Are you up for it?"

Cheval nods and gets up. "Sure thing. Lemme make a pit stop and we'll get going." He leaves the room, leaving you alone with the calico.

Valerie sidles up to you. "Well, sexy, guess I'll have to get my hands on you another time, huh?" She winks for effect and waves to Cheval. "Nite you two. See you tomorrow!" She heads out.

Cheval leans in at the door a few minutes later. "Ready to go?"

The horse turns out the lights and locks up on your way out, then guides you to a white pickup truck across the lot. "Hop in." The cabin is a little small for you, but you manage to squeeze in. Cheval gets in and starts up the truck. "So, where we going?"

His truck doesn't have a GPS, so you tell him your address and he puts it into his phone, then sets the phone in a holster in his dashboard. Then you hit the road with a hefty roar of the engine.

As he pulls into the street, he says, "So, good job today, kid. You made a real good first impression."

You smile. "Thanks. I wasn't expecting to get a job offer today. I only told my mom I was thinking about trying this last night."

He grins. "Jenny's actually mentioned you to me and Barb a couple times. Said you were a man of steel. She was kinda hoping you might want to follow her here."

You're caught off-guard by that. "Mom talked about me? Were you expecting me?"

Cheval nods his head. "Didn't know when until this morning. And we didn't know you were part dragon, so that's a surprise. But Jenny texted us before you got here saying you were coming, so Barb was ready for you." He gives you a light elbow. "You blew her mind, buddy."

You shrug. "You helped too."

The horse shakes his head. "Nope. I just called 'scene'. That was all you, kid." He glances your way. "Lemme tell you a little about Barb. She is an amazing actress. She can zip into just about any role, personality, or whatever, just like that." He snaps his fingers. "When she backed you against the wall there, she was looking to see if you could change gears on the fly."

You nod with a blush. "I kinda felt like I just went into a trance. I didn't know what I was doing."

Cheval grins. "That's called improvising. Good improvs don't even think. It just comes to them." He glances to you again as he passes a slower car. "In the adult biz, scenes always go off-script. So you gotta be ready to change direction instantly. Know what I mean?"

"I think so. Is that why Barbara told me I'd be a dream come true?"

He laughs. "Partly. She went from aggressive to swooning because you won her over. She fed you a darn good sappy line, and you nailed the reply. Absolutely nailed it. You'd be surprised how many guys she's done that with where they just go 'uhhh...'"

You laugh along with him. "I guess that makes me feel better."

Cheval nods. "Be proud of it, kid. She likes you a lot. She wouldn't have given you the job if she wasn't absolutely sure you'd do well. You might be Jenny's kid, but she's gonna treat you just like everyone else." He raises an eyebrow to you. "I know Jenny wouldn't have it any other way."

You smile. Your mom is pretty darned awesome.

Furry Status (you)
Health 100 Equipment:

Man stuff

Gender Male
Species Dragon-Rabbit

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