Furry World/Futa Horse/You and Elenna cum inside your toilet slut

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Your cock goes back to being perfectly erect now that you're done relieving yourself for the second time this morning. You grin down at the lizard, who is looking back up at you expectantly. "Whatcha think, girl? You still thirsty?" She nods enthusiastically and sucks harder on your flaring tip, stimulating your head and tickling at its opening, drawing out a good-sized dollop of your precum. You sigh in pleasure, thinking to yourself that this insatiable girl is quite the pro.

Elenna hunches hir hips into the girl's tight ass. "Well, I'm not giving her a choice. My balls are even fuller than my bladder was."

You start to push your shaft forward, sliding your thickening head along that soft, dexterous tongue. She leans forward slightly to encourage you, wrapping her lips more tightly around your shaft to draw it in. Before long, your tip bumps against the back of her throat, and she arches herself just a little to straighten her passage, giving you better access to shove further inside. You take advantage of that and push forward harder, sinking your cock more than halfway down her gullet. She gulps and swallows against you, still wanting you deeper, and you continue to thrust in, inch by inch, until her nose bumps against your groin. Now you feel her throat pulsing and rippling all around your long, thick shaft, the stimulation already starting to build a climax within you.

Elenna grunts as shi pushes harder into hir pet's rump. You can't see it, but you just know that hir obscenely huge balls are churning heavily, hir cock buried to the hilt in the girl's ass. If it's anywhere near as tight as her mouth and throat are, she must be crushing the herm's cock. Elenna seems to confirm your thought with another grunt: "Damn, I'm not gonna last long, Star."

You hold the girl's head against you, thrusting your equine shaft in and out, your balls swinging heavily as you utterly dominate her. "Me neither," you gasp, starting to tense up as your orgasm looms.

Before long, you both hit your peaks at the same time. Your cock swells ominously, your flare mushrooming and plugging her esophagus, and you grunt loudly as you erupt with a thick, powerful surge of cum! You feel it spurt out of you like a shot, flooding into her already-full stomach, just the first ejaculation enough to bloat her belly even more. The next shot is even stronger, spurting almost painfully from your tip, followed by another one, and another. You can also hear Elenna's cock exploding into the girl's rump, sending powerful shots of hir sperm-laden cream into her. Between the two of you, you more than double the load that her stomach has to handle, spending a good five minutes each in your sheer ecstasy.

Finally, when you've finished force-feeding her, you take a moment to carefully withdraw so you can see the results of your combined handiwork. As soon as your cock emerges from her mouth, she burps and smiles up at you. "That was amazing," she says.

Elenna spends just a moment longer with her dick still ensconced in the lizard's rump, waiting for it to soften just a little before shi extricates hirself from behind her. "Mmm, that's much better," shi says as shi stands up again. Hir cock is still jutting out proudly, twitching and drooling the last remnants of hir ejaculate onto the floor. You chuckle softly to yourself, remembering that shi is literally constantly horny, never ever being quite satisfied no matter how many times shi fucks or gets fucked.

Elenna winks at you. "She's so good. She's not even letting it all back out yet." Shi looks over at the exhausted lizard and adds, "I've got one more thing I wanna do. Gimme a hand." Shi turns back to the lizard and leans over to lift her up off the seat just a little.

Knowing what she has in mind, you go to the lizard's other side and, with your prodigious strength, lift her up more, and pull her forward a little too. Elenna carefully raises the seat, then lowers the girl back down, causing her to sink down into the overflowing toilet, submerging her rump and waist into the smelly mix of dark urine and cum. She moans and wiggles to work her way further down. the motion putting more pressure on her grossly swollen belly. You both stand back to watch as she now begins to push, an audible rush emerging as she seeks to relieve the pressure that's built up in her ass from Elenna's pumping. More thick piss starts to overflow out of the toilet onto the deeply stained floor, most of it running down the bathroom drain.

Elenna turns back to you. "Well, that sure was a fun way to start the day, wasn't it, stud?" Shi sidles up to you, hir throbbing, drooling shaft once again sliding up your belly and along your own semi-hard cock until it slips up between your breasts. "Wanna see how long you can last inside me?"

Oh, shi's tempting, shi is. But your tummy rumbles too. More pleasure? Or breakfast first?

Furry Status (you)
Health 100 Equipment:


Gender Futa
Species Horse
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