Finish yourself off on the lizard girl's body

From Create Your Own Story

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You let out a pleasured sigh of relief as your bladder gradually empties, your hot, concentrated piss running down the girl's body in a steady stream. Her scales were already stained a deep yellow-brown, but now that stain is even deeper. You even splash some of your piss on her legs, not caring about the growing puddle on the floor - the toilet was already overflowing anyway.

The lizard flexes in her bindings, trying to give you new angles to splatter your urine on her body. You give her hair another soaking, you crouch and aim your cock up under her arms, and you even step around the sides to aim some of that hot piss onto her back and tail. You make sure every part of her body you can reach is coated in your essence before your stream finally runs out.

She moans. "That felt really good. Thank you."

You grin. "Any time, babe." Your cock has hardened again, and your balls are already churning heavily. She takes notice and grins to you. "Wanna paint me too?"

You grin back. "Might as well seal it all in, right?" You start to stroke your long, thick shaft, lifting it up so the messy girl can see your massive balls.

She gasps at the sight and shudders. "Oh yeah, lemme see how much you've got in there, stud!"

You spend a couple minutes just stroking your cock in front of her, your viscous precum dripping copiously from your tip. You direct some of it onto her darkened tits, and let some of it drool messily into her lap. As you pump your shaft, you feel your tension rising, your sperm factories churning harder, getting ready to climax over her body. You groan as you tighten your grip. "Getting close, babe..."

"Do it, horsey. Cum all over me!"

You tilt your head back and groan loudly, squeezing your stallionhood right at the tip, your loins clenching as you hit your peak. You feel your cum quickly backing up behind your hand, fighting against your grip for several pulses, until you finally let go a moment later.

The result is a powerful shot of your thick sperm laden jizz splattering forcefully against the expectant lizard's chest and face! It quickly drenches her wet bosom in sticky goo, followed by a second shot that instantly coats her face, then more pulses that create thicker layers on her body. You regain enough control to start aiming your mighty ejaculations, shooting your ropes of stallion spunk onto her arms, her legs, soaking her hair, teasing her pussy with squirts of it as well as the stuff running down her front.

The girl moans and writhes under the attack. "Oh god, that's so hot! Keep going!"

You grunt, "Nobody's gonna recognize you under all this cum by the time I'm done." You keep stroking your shaft, making it tingle with a second climax approaching even as you're still riding out the first. When it hits, your ejaculations grow even stronger and your spooge thicker, the stuff collecting in a thick layer on the lizard's body. She wriggles again, pulling at her bonds, trying to free her arms so she can rub it all over herself. But you keep her tied up, making her endure your sperm bath.

By the time you're finally done, the lizard is coated in several thick layers of sticky white goo, her features barely visible under all of that. She smacks her lips messily as she tries to clear her mouth, a steady drool of your hot jism presenting itself to her tongue on each attempt.

You reach out and delicately wipe the stuff away from her eyes, and she opens them to see you, nodding gratefully. "Thanks, stud."

You grin back. "It's gonna take you forever to get all that off of you, you know."

The girl chuckles. "I love being coated like this. I'm gonna let it set, then I want more. Gonna give me another coat later?"

You think to yourself, Wow, is she really that insatiable? But you just grin to her. "We'll see. Maybe I'll untie you so I can fill you up, too."

She shudders again. "Oh yeah, force all that cum into me. Take my ass, too! I'll take anything you can give me."

Your grin grows wider. "Alright, then. It's a date." With that, you turn to walk away.

You immediately bump into a familiar person. It's Elenna, your human herm friend, standing completely naked in front of you, an obscenely large erection jutting out and bumping your belly, leaving a small smear of silky precum there. "Hello, Star. I see you've been having fun this morning."

You grin, stepping closer to hir, letting hir cock slide up your belly until it nestles in between your breasts. "Good morning, Elenna. What are you doing here?"

"Watching you torture that poor lizard on the can there. I was about to do that myself, y'know." She winks for effect.

The sight and scent of Elenna's arousal, and the feel of hir dick against you, is turning you on again, and you think about what fun you might get into next. Maybe you've got more in the tank, so to speak. But you still feel like you could use a shower. Decisions, decisions...

Furry Status (you)
Health 100 Equipment:


Gender Futa
Species Horse
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