Furry World/Male Raccoon/Tunnel 2-2: Watch the giant male wolf play with Tara

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You hear the deep grunts and groans of the wolfess's mate, and the comparatively high-pitched mewls and whimpers of your companion, and glance over toward them. Sevrita grins and brings you closer to them. "Ah, you want to watch my mate have his way with yours? Let's watch them, shall we?" She holds you a little ways away from the action, and slightly above it, giving you a good view.

Tara is absolutely soaked in the wolf's urine and precum from head to toe, the white parts of her fur deeply stained yellow from it all. Jamal is currently holding her in one hand and sliding his giant red cock back and forth along her body. It's almost as big around as her waist, and longer than she is tall! And the cat moans with each thrust, having wrapped her arms and legs around it to pull it close against her, more of his precum coating her body with each stroke. The male looks up to you and grins. "Enjoying the show?"

You nod and just watch, your erection standing out proudly as you lightly dance your fingers across it.

You can see Jamal getting close, his shaft becoming harder and thicker, a larger drool of precum oozing right onto Tara's face, completely covering it in slimy, sticky liquid for a moment. He licks his lips and grins. "Ready, babe?" She nods up to him, and you wonder just what he has in mind. You feel Sevrita start to play with herself while you both watch. You start to stroke yourself more firmly as well, eagerly anticipating what will happen next.

Jamal pulls Tara away from his cock, and she just lays there in his hand. She spreads her legs and looks up at him after clearing his gooey pre from her eyes. He then grips his cock with one hand and brings her close, aiming his tapered tip directly at her swollen pussy.

You snap out of your sexual trance for a moment. Surely he's not going to try to put that thing in her? He'll tear her apart! But somehow, that thought quickly betrays you, your shaft growing harder and a larger dribble of your precum leaking out onto your hand. You say nothing, knowing that interrupting them could cause more harm than good, and you just wait to see what he does, your hormone-fueled haze of pleasure taking over again.

Jamal brings that pointed tip to bear against the cat's femininity, nestling it directly in between her comparatively tiny folds. Your heart jumps, again fearing him pushing further, but Tara just moans and closes her legs against it, curling her feet to stroke them against his wet skin. She murmurs, "Mmm, I can feel your precum going inside me, wolfie..."

The wolf shifts her a bit to make sure that tip is nestled nice and tight at her entrance, stretching it open just a little more, but he doesn't push in any further. Instead, he holds her steady while he starts to squeeze and pump his cock with his other hand. She moans again, looking down at his cock, whimpering as he builds up, then gasping as she watches his fingers start to close around the base of his knot. You know he's going to climax any second now, your own orgasm swiftly approaching.

Then it hits. He grunts loudly and jerks his hips forward, making sure Tara's body follows the movement. You can hear a muffled rush of his cum as it shoots deeply and forcefully into the cat's cunt, making her yelp and groan in a mix of pain and pleasure. A second rush follows, and you see her belly immediately start to swell. He continues to cum, each ejaculation forcing more and more wolf cum into her womb, the sheer size of his tip keeping it locked inside her. She writhes and groans against him, one hand resting on her belly to feel it expand with each shot, growing huge and tight with each shot.

You can't hold back any longer. You squeeze and jerk your cock hard, your tip exploding in a huge (for you) blast of seed that travels in an arc to land on Tara's rapidly expanding belly. She moans and immediately runs her fingers through it, spreading it over herself and working it into her fur, loving the sensation of being so thoroughly dominated like this. You keep cumming as you feel the wolfess behind you start to jerk her hips in her own climax.

Jamal finally relents after forcing Tara to take at least two dozen of those huge blasts of sperm. By the time he pulls her off of him, her belly has swollen to gargantuan proportions, more resembling a water balloon than a cat. Immediately, that thick cum starts to rush back out of her, renewing her climax, and he quickly brings her body up above you to let her shower you in his cum. The two wolves position you both so that Jamal can finish himself over both of your bodies, painting you both in hot blasts of thick white cum. At one point, he brings Tara's gushing pussy right in front of your face, and you eagerly lean in to wrap your lips against it, letting the cum gush down your throat and into your stomach. You drink mouthful after mouthful until you're beyond full, then pull away to let her drench your face and head in the wolf's seed - in addition to the continued waves of semen coming directly from him. All the while, you keep getting yourself off, your mind too far gone to even consider just how insanely weird this is.

The whole ordeal keeps all of you in near-constant orgasm for more than half an hour. But finally, you collapse in Sevrita's hand, completely soaked to the bone in multiple layers of hot, sticky cum, your companion virtually unrecognizable underneath the nearly foot-thick coating atop her body. Her belly is still huge, but the flow from her pussy has slowed to a lazy dribble of thick custard, ensuring that the majority of his sperm will stay locked inside her heated womb for quite some time.

The wolves eventually set you down on the floor of the cave and lay down on either side of you. You cuddle up to Tara, not minding just how sticky all this is. Your captors cuddle up with each other as well, their clean, dry bodies all but surrounding you as they kiss each other lovingly. Soon, you all drift off to sleep, your body all but fusing with Tara's as the cum congeals further between you.

Furry Status (Shadow)
Health 100 Equipment:


Gender Male
Species Raccoon

Furry Status (Tara)
Health 100 Equipment:


Gender Female
Species Cat
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