Furry World/Male Raccoon/Tunnel 2-2

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You point to the next tunnel entrance. "Let's see what's in there before we try to get out. There could be more good stuff there."

Tara nods and lets you lead this time. Her blue glow intensifies again as you enter the pitch-black cave, illuminating the damp walls around you. She giggles softly behind you and whispers, "You know, there's absolutely nothing original about what we're doing."

You snap back, "Shut up." She giggles again and you keep walking. The tunnel curves around a couple of times, longer than you expected, but when you finally reach the other end, it opens up into a huge chasm that is surprisingly well lit. You can't see any obvious light sources, so you think the walls themselves are glowing. Not too far-fetched given the glowing mushrooms in the last room.

There are a number of large treasure chests scattered throughout this enormous room, each one teeming with gems and coins. Your eyes grow as large as dinner plates at the sight - even just one load from this room would set you for life! And now that you know where it is, you and Tara could come here and cart away bags full of loot as many times as you want.

Tara nudges you, and you snap to. She points, and you look up to see two giant wolves looking back down at you. They must be at least six stories tall! They are completely naked. One of them is a female - you can clearly see her giant feminine slit glistening in the mellow light. And the other is VERY male. He is obviously very aroused, an enormous erection bigger than both of your bodies combined jutting out from his pelvis.

The wolfette looks down at the two of you with a sly grin. "Well! It isn't every day we get visitors!" Her voice echoes loudly through the chamber, breaking you both out of your trance, and you quickly turn tail to head back the way you came. However, the wolf is much faster than you'd expect for such a large being. Her paw slams down in front of you, blocking the exit, then she curls it toward you and grabs you both in her palm, holding you firmly. "Oh, don't run away, little ones! We haven't even gotten to know you yet!"

The wolfette lifts you way up in the air and opens her fingers so you stand in her palm. She moves you closer to her, bringing you to her eye level. Tara holds onto you to keep herself steady. You shout to the vixen, "What do you want from us?"

She replies, "Me? I just want to say hello. My mate does, too." She glances over to the wolf standing next to her, who nods cordially. Then she fixes her gaze back on you. "Tell me, what are your names?"

You and Tara glance at each other. She has you at a disadvantage - it's a long way down. The good news is, they don't look like they're about to eat you, so maybe just playing along will let you escape with your lives. "I'm Shadow, and this is Tara, my apprentice. We're explorers."

Your captor laughs. "Explorers? Aren't they all!" She brings you even closer, her giant eyes looking you over and then her huge nose sniffing at you. For her, it's a small, gentle snuffle, but it nearly blows you over. You literally would be a bite-size snack for her if she chose to eat you. Then she pulls you back a little and gives you a smile. "I'm Sevrita, and this is my mate, Jamal."

Jamal nods again and says, in a predictably deep and growly voice, "Hello."

Tara glances down to try to see just how far up you are, and notices that the male's cock is still completely erect, a giant dribble of precum visible at its tip. She shudders and says, "Uh, what do you really want from us?"

Having noticed her glance, Sevrita grins. "Oh, do you really need us to tell you?" She lowers her hand, holding it ten feet in front of her so you can't jump, and brings you down right in front of her chest. Her furry tits, even by her standards, are huge! They would be easily J-cup sized if she were normal height, and her nipples stand out firmly, each one bigger than your head. You also catch the intensely powerful scent of her arousal filling the air around you.

You can't help but start to be aroused by this, dangerous a situation as it is. Here is a pair of giant wolves who are apparently super turned on, and it seems they intend to use you both for their pleasure. But how they intend to use you, you don't know yet.

Furry Status (Shadow)
Health 100 Equipment:


Gender Male
Species Raccoon

Furry Status (Tara)
Health 100 Equipment:

Wood staff

Gender Female
Species Cat
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