"Okay, I'll do anything you say."

From Create Your Own Story

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You think it over. On the one hand, you love that Tyler is noticing you and you're enjoying the attention. Plus you love the way your body is feeling and the tingling between your legs. On the other hand, you are already naked at the mall and being recorded by lots of people. Plus you might have just done something sexual, so maybe it is best to say no. You should definitely say no.

"Okay, I'll do anything you say." You respond softly, wondering what has come over you and what they'll make you do.

"Good girl." The boy replies. "First off, admit to all of us and our cameras that you just masturbated and had an orgasm in public. Tell us if you liked everyone watching you masturbate. Tell us if you want to masturbate again. Oh yeah, and start off by telling us all your full name, in case anyone wants to look you up on Instagram or Tiktok or anything later.

Your body blushes and for the first time, you feel truly embarrassed. You can't say those things! Can you? The idea of saying such dirty things makes your body feel warm, but you aren't sure if you should. What if they post something on your social media??

You could reject their request. That is taking it too far. You could accept their request. You did say you'd do anything after all.

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