"Can I touch?"

From Create Your Own Story

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"Can I touch?"

Your eyes go wide at what he says. Is he asking what I think he's asking? No boy has ever touched me before. That can't be what he means. You ask, "Touch what?"

He looks up and down your body and simply replies, "Everything."

Your heart skips a beat. Your daddy wants to touch your body. Your parents have always said to never let a boy touch you, but is it different if it is daddy? Do I want him to or would that be too weird? You feel that tingling in your pussy again. You have a strong urge for it to be touched. Maybe it would be okay if he did. You look up at him and simply nod.

He moves towards you until he is right in front of you. He runs his hand through your hair and down your neck. He says, "Baby you don't need to worry about your friends, you're so beautiful that they are probably all jealous. You have such pretty blue eyes."

He runs his hand down your neck and shoulders before stopping on your upper arms. "And who cares if you are a late bloomer, lots of people think flat chests are really pretty too."

He moves his hands across your chest and onto your boobs, causing you to inhale and let out a gasp. You feel your nipples getting hard which normally only happens when you're cold, but you've never felt hotter in your life. "Your breasts are perfect, look how cute your nipples are." He says before giving them a little tweak, which makes you let out a little squeek.

His hands now move lower and onto your stomach. "Look how flat your stomach is. Those sports you play keep you in good shape and skinny."

His hands continue to trail down, before stopping on your inner thigh. Your heart is pounding because you know what is coming. "And look at your legs. They're so toned and they are great for your height."

You suck in air as his hands start to move inward before finally reaching your pussy, making you let out a moan. There is a bit of a squelching sound as you notice that your pussy is very wet for some reason. "Your mom might not like the word, but this is a woman's pussy. Just because it doesn't have hair doesn't mean you are still a kid. Do you know why it is so wet?"

You shake your head and he responds, "It is because you are aroused. You like being seen naked and you like being touched. This is called sexual arousal and it makes your pussy wet in case you have sex."

He removes his hand and you notice yourself involuntarily lifting your hips to try and keep his hand there until he pulls it away, a long strand of the gooey liquid trailing from your pussy to his hand.

What do you do? You could ask him questions about arousal and sex and why you like to be seen. You could thank him and tell him he helped your confidence, which will cause him to leave for work and you'll be left alone again. You could ask him to keep touching because it felt so good. You could touch yourself, since you are too embarrassed to ask but still like the feeling of it being touched.

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