AOTC: Anakin Skywalker: Stimulate Padmé with the Force

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Anakin Skywalker

The best way to bring Padmé to the same heightened sense of vibration that you feel is to excite her, you find, so that hopefully she sees the way into your arms. By stimulating her utilizing your Force powers, you may be able to divert any fault coming from you, should she wake up.

Your breathing becomes heavier and your heart pumps more rapidly as you take direct action towards your desire. You raise your hand and point it to Padmé to better concretize your thoughts into the material world. With two fingers outstretched, you "hold" the cover with your mind and slowly pull it away, revealing her smooth legs. She shivers slightly as the timid cold air touches her skin.

You gulp as saliva builds up. The danger in the moment excites you.

You momentarily close your eyes in deep concentration in order to move her carefully, lest you wake her. You envision invisible hands softly covering her all over, pushing her to the side until she lays on her back, tilting her straight. She makes no sign of disturbance. Her right hand lay on her stomach, left arm stretched to the side, and her head rests slightly bent on her pillow.

Now that she is better positioned, you open your eyes once more to visualize her beautiful figure. With a deep breath, you extend your two hands in a pushing motion, desiring to pull the gown up to her waist. You do so slowly, oh so slowly, but enough to barely hear the fabric rubbing her skin. No, not just hear, you can feel the fabric touching her. In fact, your heightened state of awareness is such that you can feel everything around her as if you were inside her own body.

Soon, you will be.

Your hands take shape in the form of the Force as you will them into fruition, and you caress her now exposed belly with your ethereal fingers. In slithery motions, you drive them down over her panty, where you perceive the suaveness of her vulva on your very hand. Tiny bumps form the outer part of her lower lips, which you carefully examine with your Force powers.

Her jaw clenches lightly as you begin to caress her.

Without noticing, you've been moving your real hands involuntarily in the same motions you are producing on her. Your palm faces her, as you strike the air up and down with the tips of your finger, now opening her lower lips with each move. You can feel the change in her breathing as you do so. As time goes by, you increase the intensity of your slides, so much so that you stretch her panty. You decide it is time to remove it.

In the same manner you moved her gown, you gently pull her panty over her gorgeous thigh. Watching it slides swimmingly over her legs and feet is a sensuous sight that agitates you further.

Her mouth opens lightly, likely dreaming of this new stimulus as some intangible act in a blend of visions.

With her vagina exposed, you can't help but feel your blood flowing through you as you grasp the stage you have reached. You have been growing more and more aroused with each dangerous step you've taken so far—the risk of having your plan thwarted, by the Senator or by someone else, fades with each new phase. Having come so far successfully, you decide to dive in with your head held high. You want her, you have recognized the purity in her since you were so young, and you will now will present her the full extension of your emotions.

You thrust an invisible extension of your body inside her, all the while massaging her lips and clitoris on the outside. Padmé involuntarily opens her legs ever so slightly, and you can see a glint seeping from her lips.

You being making thrusts with your hip as you feel yourself penetrating her as if you were there, and you watch her lips parting as if you were physically doing so. Your Force hands pressures the outside of her vagina as your Force cock gradually opens her inside. Multiple hands, extensions of your desire, wills into materialization, moving through her body in a loving manner, caressing her sides, her breasts, her throat, stretching her legs further apart, holding her hands, pulling her head...

Force manifestations are typically done harshly and abruptly—if the use of the Force is necessary, danger is imminent—but sustained action in a trance, as you find yourself in, can be toned for suavity. A perfect application for her dreamy state.

You continue this process until Padmé is moaning softly under her breath, becoming more and more agitated with your care. You push her gown up to her breasts, and she moves in response to your Force stimuli. Her hands try and find the ones projected by your mind, sometimes travelling her skin in sensual movements. She is enticed by her own involuntary touching as well as yours. You can tell that she is thoroughly enjoying her dreams right now.

In a flush of excitement, you rapidly increase the velocity and intensity of your thrusts and caresses, and Padmé wails softly, only suffocated by her own need to breathe. You stop your own body motions as you bring into full attention the sensations within her, while continuing to project the Force, until miss Amidala reaches a full-blown orgasm as a result of your power.

Right at the peak of her excitement, her eyes open, a flustered look on her face and a hint of delight, until she realizes she heard herself scream, and look around the room hurriedly, eyes falling on you.

Star Wars: The Complete Erotic Saga
Anakin Skywalker
Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones

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