AOTC: Anakin Skywalker: Amidala's Apartment

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Anakin Skywalker

You and Master Kenobi have been assigned by the council to protect Senator Amidala on her journey back towards her home world.

This was an opportunity like none other. You have mixed feelings about this mission, of course. As much as you'd like to spend time close to the woman of your dreams, you wish you were also doing something to actively protect her, such as hunting down her persecutors. Still, you are bound by your duty, and as you keep mingling the thought over and over in your head on yet another restless night, impulses surges through you. Since you cannot ignore the importance of this mission, and you are, in fact, strained to this place, you figure you will try and explore these impulses…

No danger could come out of that, you believe. This is a moment you have been readying yourself for many years.

And the subject of your greatest desires is but a few steps away, about to lay down for tonight's rest in her room. You stand guard outside, watching the city traffic through the glass walls of this apartment with a thoughtful look on your face, arms crossed, head tilted to the cliff in front of you.

As you pensively ponder how to best approach Padmé, you hear your Master and friend Obi-Wan approach the room. The doors open and he patiently steps in, calmly walking by, and stands at your side.

You'll need some privacy in order to fulfill your objective.

Star Wars: The Complete Erotic Saga
Anakin Skywalker
Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones

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