D&D: F-HES Try to join the mercenaries

From Create Your Own Story

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You take your drink and approach the tables of the three sister slowly. The elf observe you as you walk to an empty chair at their table.

"May I join you ?" you ask politely.

The mercenaries turns to you. You are immedietly a little intimidated by the four well-toned soldiers. The leader looks you up and gives you a welcoming smile. "Certainly. We're not in the habit of turning away good company." You can feel their eyes looks you up. Checking your skin-tight shorts, your revealed legs and your generous outcrops.

The leader present himself and offer you a glass:"Jevlin, leader of the stormwolf of athlanta. And you are ?"

You present yourself as you take the glass.

Jevlin smiles at you and offer you his seat, staying up near the table. You learn that the three others name are Randal, Volik and Chefan. They are mercs from the south and gets hired to get rid of monsters through blood and steel.

After a bit, jevlin looks at you:"So tell me. Why did you sought out our company tonigh, little flower."

You blushes and smile:"I am a sorceress. and I am looking to offer my service to a group of adventurers... I was hoping you would like me in your team..."

Jevlin smiles a bit and look you up. He then consults the other of his team for a second. He then explains "Well, we are on the lookouts for new recruits... but we never had to process a wizard before."

You get that a few member of the team believes magic to be unncessary for their line of work. You feel a little worried they might turn you down on the fact that your a sorceress and not a fighter.

Jevlin see your face.

D&D: F-HES The mercenaries offer you an alternative

D&D: F-HES The mercenaries accept to try you out

D&D: F-HES The mercenaries reject you

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