Corruption of Princesses/Elsa and Anna : First day : Ask the smith about the stocks

From Create Your Own Story

"But what's it for ?" Anna suddenly asks.

The smith rub the back of his hair, deciding against lying to a royal. She's an adult now anyway. He's simply surprised she's never heard of these.

"Well they are used in prison. Sometime to punish dangerous prisoners." he explains casually.

"Huh huh..." Anna tilts her head. She's never seen this thing. She finds the shape strange. "How does it work ?"

The smith shrugs and pull the stocks in the center of the aisle to have more room to move around it and present each component. "HRm well you see, the prisoner's head and hand are passed through these holes. and then this top is closed around it, preventing them from pulling free."

"That dosn't sounds very comforteable." Anna notes.

"That is kind of the idea actually."

"And what is this part ?" Anna ask innocently about the extension with two holes at the bottom.

"You place the prisoner's feet there. This prevent them from moving completely." the blacksmith continues.

"I see..." anna ponders outloud.

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