Check-in on the Park family

From Create Your Own Story

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You can't help but notice how riled and bothered your two companions became at hearing the noise from the Park's house.

You decide to check it out and signal to your two new friends to follow you. The comply obediently but still seem a bit antsy and less controlled than before.

As you approach the house you realize you were not the only group that noticed the scream. Two figured ran, wildly towards the Park's home. You and your companions ducked to the side of the house right next to the Park's which gives you the chance to hide from the new arrivals.

Suddenly, the door to the Park's home bursts open. Mr. Park is standing there with a shotgun. He aims, fires, and hits one of the rampaging figures. The figure drops dead. Mr. Park aims for the second figure, fires and hits the figure, which you can now tell is a woman, but the shot hits them in the arm. The woman stumbles but is clearly still alive. Mr. Park scrambles to reload his gun but the injured madwoman staggers back to her feet, ready to run at him again.

As you watch this unfold inspiration hits, you tell your companions to stay hidden, then you grab a rock and hurl it at the woman's head. You hit her square in the side of her head. She stumbles a bit and turns her attention on you. You nearly shit yourself when you see her face, twisted in anger, as she prepares to run toward you. Then you hear another shot and the woman's head explodes.

You look at Mr. Park, you cocks his gun again. You put your arms in the air and yell, "Please, help me! Mr. Park, it's me! Your neighbor." He lowers his gun and looks at you. The fact you helped distract the woman makes him trust you more but you can tell he's suspicious.

"Meet me out back." Is all he says before closing the door on you. You decide you have no other choice and head to the Park's back garden. At the backdoor Mr. Park is there, gun in hand. He says, "Thank you for helping me."

"Of course! Anything to help, I don't know what is going on but people are losing their minds. Could I come inside to stay safe?"

Mr. Park pauses and then finally says, "You helped me out but answer me one question, why are you naked?"

How do you answer:

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