TFA: Oops! You are too late and Finn is grabbed by a rathtar

From Create Your Own Story

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"Finn!" Rey shouts after a tentacle grabbed hold of his leg and drags him away. Rey tries chasing after them but it is too fast and they disappear from her view. Crap! You took to long to act and now a creature has your friend!

You then see Rey approach a different own surveillance console seeing Finn and the rathtar on the monitors. She seems to have gotten the same idea as you and as she focuses she enters a command and the door shuts on the rathtar arm severing it from Finn. You cheer internally, that's your brilliant slutty scavenger!

They then join the rest of you in the hanger before you all enter the Millennium Falcon in a hurry, and leave the doomed cargo immediately. You go straight to light speed as you finally have a moment to rest. Han announce that everyone is going on Takodana to meet an old friend of his, Maz Kanata. He says she can help, but from his voice’s tone you know he is not so sure. However, Chewie plugs you in a corner of the ship so you can recharge your batteries. You spend the rest of the trip plugged, and when Finn comes to unplug you, you feel in top condition.

What happens next?

Star Wars: The Complete Erotic Saga
The Force Awakens

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