Ered, the resident cool kid with a pension for skate boarding

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Meredith “Ered” Miller, Camp Campbell’s extreme sports camper and the most liked among them. You revile in your natural coolness with a laidback attitude and a stoic look, spending much of your free time skateboarding. Since your parents, two gay FBI agents, put you here to get leads on Campbell, so might as well make the most of your time here and use your coolness to take as much advantage of your fellow campers for as much of your own gain as you can get.

You are presumably the oldest of the campers, and with that in mind, you’ve got needs. You’re currently more developed than the rest of the campers and therefore have a more developed sex drive. You’ve talked about sex with your rebel/skater/athlete friends, but none of you have had the balls to actually go all the way (ok that’s not really true, but you certainly haven’t). You’ve used toys every now and again, but not having any on you here has been rough.

So today you have to give in to you’re sex drive. You’re not sure how, or when, but it’ll happen almost certainly sooner rather than later. You’ve got a sneaking suspicion you’re going to explode if you hold it in much longer.

So, who are you going to look to?

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