Catfish a girl online

From Create Your Own Story

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You have a plan.

You'll make a fake profile, pretending to be the unicorn-man who'd choked you only minutes ago. You can simply sign into one of the many dating sites, and you're sure you'll find someone wet for horsie in no time.

When you step out of the apartment building, it quickly becomes apparent that you were in the wrong room after all. You're in a completely different part of the town you know- if it's even the same town at all. Any other day you would desperately try to figure out what's happened, but not today. Today, you're on the clock, and you need to figure something out, quick.

You get directions from a few passerby and make your way to the library. You step inside, slip into the far back corner, and find yourself a brick block of a computer, likely older than you are. You quickly find yourself a dating site, though this particular one has a reputation for anonymous sex.

So you make a profile. You find a few photos online that look somewhat similar to your unicorn blackmailer, and give him a fake name- Damian Blackwell. It feels fitting. Then, you force yourself to do something...else. You cringe to yourself as you do, but you reluctantly begin to pick out a few nudes from wherever you can find them online. They're mostly closeups of horse sheaths and balls, but you find a nice abs shot, and even toss in one photo of a unicorn's tight bubble butt, viewed from behind. You do your best to find pictures that match your tormentor's white coat, but unicorn nudes are surprisingly hard to find.

You post the profile with a smutty bio, and within a few hours, you're swamped with replies. Now your only choice is...who should you set up with the unicorn?

Furry Status (you)
Health 100 Equipment:

Jeans, T-shirt

Gender Male
Species Human
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