In Space No one can hear you breed/Accept your fate

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 05:59, 1 October 2019 by Amemorable (Talk | contribs)

You sigh, accepting your boning-filled fate. You pass out as the filthy mutt cums again in your new hole.

When you come to, you realize that you now have tits! Granted, they're pretty small; you'd estimate about a B cup, but that's still pretty cool, right? You inspect your new hole and find that you've grown a pussy, complete with tunnel and clit! Also not bad; still pretty tight considering the hours long rape sessions. You assume, based on what your sister said, that you have a womb as well. That wouldn't be as good, because if the dog pounded you for as long as you think he did, you're probably pregnant.

You walk over to the hot tub and look at your reflection in the water. "Hey, not bad!" you say to yourself. Your pole hardens very quickly at your image, and you notice that it's a couple inches longer and a bit girthier than you remember. You also notice that your face is a bit more... feminine. While that's not a bad thing - you're fucking hot - you don't really recognize yourself that well.

Suddenly, it occurs to you that the animal that did this to you is nowhere in sight. You notice that the rec room's door is open, so you go through.

After what was probably ten minutes walking down the depressing rows of stasis beds, you arrive at the other end of the hallway and hear loud moaning coming from your sister's chamber.

You look in and find:

Your sister fucking the dog

Your sister riding the dog's dick

Your sister under the dog, being raped

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