Critical Role - Keyleth - You Decide To Take The Right Road By The Fork

From Create Your Own Story

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You squat down to examine the road beneath you. Having spent your whole life living with and caring for nature, you have gained a good sense for anything that may have disturbed the surrounding nature. Your half-elven eyes pick up on faint cart tracks heading towards to right. That must be the correct path!

With a renewed spring in your step, you travel along the right-hand path, pausing every once in a while to examine some of the new plants that never grew near your tribe. While many of the flowers here are much less colourful, you find their variety of shapes and smells extremely interesting. As you bend over to smell a cluster of small, white, star-shaped flowers, you hear a rumble of thunder in the distance. Looking up, there are large, dark clouds hastening towards you from the North. You can faintly see forks of lightning streaking out from the darkness. It could be very dangerous to be out in the open when it catches up with you.

As you sprint down the path once more, you pull out your map, looking for anywhere that could provide you shelter. No luck. The nearest place to you is Silverspire itself. You might be able to make it there in time if you can keep up a sprint for that long, but you have never been much of an athlete.

You do you best to check your surrounding for any kind of cover that you could use. There is nothing in your immediate area, but you think you can make out a cave on a distant hill. You Father warned you to stay on the road, as the wilds could be dangerous, but this was an exceptional circumstance. Another roar of thunder hits you, louder this time, almost like a hunting horn signalling it’s followers on a trail.

Desperation begins to sink in as your muscles already begin to burn. Looking off towards the cave and then back at the long path ahead, you decide to:

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