Critical Role - Jester - Lose The Men In Nicodranas Alleys

From Create Your Own Story

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As you rush past a pile of stacked barrels you kick one of the bottom ones, bringing down the whole lot. This will give you just enough time to pick a path before the men reach you. On a gut instict you run down the right path, bare feet slapping against the worn cobblestone ground. You round a corner, and another, and another. You come to a second split. This one has three paths. You take the centre path and keep going.

Further and further you go, until your fatigue begins to catch up with you. You stop in a doorway to hide and peek back to check for your pursuers. You heart races in your chest as you focus. You can hear some distant street bustle, but nothing nearby. A sigh of relief escapes your lips, followed by an exhilerated giggle. You are safe, for now.

Your character is:
Jester Lavorre
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