Critical Role - Jester - Paralysis Wears Off At Bath House

From Create Your Own Story

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Amalda mutters to herself as she seemingly cannot decide what manner of revenge to enact on you. Your eyes are the only thing that you can move freely and you quickly take in the room, looking for any way out of your situation. Your heart soars as you look to the single window in the office and see that the key has been left in the lock!

You begin mentally pushing back against the binding spell, simultaneously praying to the Traveller for his help. Slowly, you begin to feel your muscles relax and your body begins to repond to your commands again. Despite being a bit stiff, you feel confident that you can sneak out of here without being seen. You push yourself off of the chair and tip-toe silently over to the window. You turn the key and it unlocks with a tiny click, but luckily Amalda is too distracted to notice it.

“Now comes the hard part” You think to yourself. There is no way that she won’t notice the wind blowing in when you open the window. Thinking quickly, you come up with a plan you really hope will work. You hide behind her desk and use thaumaturgy to swing open her office door and use it again to create the sound of footsteps running down the hall. Amalda spins around, her face turning red with fury. “Come back here girl! I will not allow you to escape punishment for this!” She screams, running out of the door with the speed of a woman half her age.

You let out a sigh of relief and slip out through the window, making sure to shut it behind you to cover your tracks. You move slowly, keeping away from any of the other windows until you can mingle with the crowd on the main street and return safely to the sign post where you started your day. Maybe you should go somewhere else today.

Your character is:
Jester Lavorre
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