Apprenticed to Bairn Novision (TDM/MHW)

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 20:56, 6 March 2019 by Fredhot16 (Talk | contribs)

You are led to the back room, where you are surprised to find yourself in front of the Grand Duke of the Novison territory, master Bairn Novison.

Despite his royal station, the tall man was dressed simply in a well made brown tunic and hoes, with only his signature royal blue cloak to denote his stature. He carried a simple yet well-made wooden staff with a light blue sapphire attached to the top that glowed softly with a faint light.

His brown hair was messy and unkempt, but despite this, his posture displayed the same regality befitting of all high-ranking nobles within the kingdom. His brown hair was short and unkempt, and his face seemed harsh and angular, and yet... his piercing blue eyes seemed to twinkle with suppressed mirth and curiosity.

"Ah, you must be the new apprentice sent to help me. This whole situation is interesting indeed," The noble said, his voice surprisingly soft and gentle.

His eyes met your gaze, seeming to drill into your soul. Uncomfortable, you break off your gaze as soon as possible.

You feel his gaze slowly look you up and down.

"It seems you have much to learn if you wish to earn your license, and even more if you with to survive as a Dragon Catcher, much less a Dragon Master."

How do you respond?

Your Character
Status Alive, Apprenticed to Bairn Novison Location: Var Novis-- Local DDA Headquarters
Race Human Level 1 Equipment:

Wizards Robes, Staff, Mana Battery, Spellbook

Gender Male Health 100
Class Wizard Mana 100% Money: 1 Maurc
Occupation Temporary DDA Aide (In Training) Mission Find Employment Progress 100%
Ambitions: Interact with Dragons
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