Get out of the pool

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 23:46, 8 February 2019 by 2crazy4summer (Talk | contribs)

Amy got out of the pool and put her hands on her hips with a big grin on her face (Im so glad my friends didnt notice my embarrasing fall) she thought.

Just then she heard someone laugh, she opened her eyes only to see that Rouge holding her breath, while cream looked like she has seen a ghost, Blaze just looked extremely shocked, and Sonic was standing perfectly still with his jaw all the way down.

"What's wrong guys?"

"Um... Amy?" Said a shaking Cream.


"Your...". Cream then pointed at her shivering.

"I'm what"

She then felt a cold breeze under her legs and finally understood what Cream was telling her, her pupils shrieked and she turned her head to the slide and saw her bikini top and bikini bottoms floating there peacfuly.

"Hey look a naked female mobian!"

Amy now in the center of attention around ton of people, despretly held her arms around her crouch and breasts.

I can't couldent believe it, I'm naked surronded by people who are looking at girl parts and infront of me are my friends inclluding....s..So... Im naked in front of Sonic.

Amy then looked up and saw Sonic in the same position as before, and she face became very red.

"Hey look at her butt"

"Those are her boobs?"

"There's not much going on there now isn't it"

"No offense Amy but I thought you said that you gone through puberty already" said Rouge snickering.

Amy now blushing redder then ever before in her life, ran off to the changing room. With a bunch of laughter still being heard far away.

Later when she got home, she went in bed in stayed there for a while, though her friends did call her to cheer her up, this was still officially the most embarrassing day of her life.

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