D&D: FHW: Cast an acid arrow spell, which will cause you to become visible, and hopefully kill her

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You cast acid arrow, becoming visible as soon as the first syllables of the words magic spill from your lips, as quickly and confidently you perform the required gestures.

Her head whips towards you, her eyes widening with recognition, she reacts instantly, leaping towards you her hands flailing at yours, trying to disrupt your casting.

Most people try to disrupt casting by hitting you with a weapon, but in reality, all that is required is for a word or a gesture to be incorrect for the spell to fail or miscast.

She is clearly aware of this, as running towards you, a single pace away, her hands tangling with yours, and the acid arrow spell goes off, a ball of acid appearing between you.

Normally a ball of acid shoots towards the target, hitting them, sometimes splashing on nearby targets, and then eating away at the victim for a period of time.

She is inches from the ball, unable to stop, you are in the splash range, and you think you failed to complete the final gesture correctly, miscasting the spell... this is going to be bad...

She leaps, her hands pushing yours wider, as her momentum taking her through the ball, her head and shoulders above the acid, then her chest slams into your covering you both in acid!

"AHHHH!!!" You both scream as you take damage and a burning feeling covers your skin, the acid will keep burning unless you wash it off, you realise there is only one option.

"You bitch!" You both snarl the same thing, at each other, and both of you half leap and half fall into the sewage, you get in each others road, tangling, causing you both to submerge.

Gasping for air and retching, you break surface a pace apart, you are covered in filth, your acid damaged clothing is falling off both you as it dissolves, your belt and dagger are gone.

She too has suffered, you think she took the brunt of the spell, she has clearly lost her mask, belt and clothing, instead of slutty evil female mage she now simply looks ...dirty.

"Grrrr" Furious and incensed the two of you snarl wordlessly at each other, waist deep in sewage your weaponless hands make threatening claw shapes at each other.

A noise makes both or glance towards it, and you both see the hidden door start to close, then you look back at each other, your eyes narrowing as you calculate your options.

She is so close that casting is a poor option, at this range the likely hood of the two of you disrupting any spell the other casts is very high.

It is a couple of paces to the very narrow path along the side, then 7 or 8 paces along the narrow uneven path to the closing portcullis door.

You can:

D&D: FHW: Wrestle her in the sewage

D&D: FHW: Race her to the door

D&D: FHW: Battle her while rushing to the door

D&D: FHW: Wait and see what she does

D&D: FHW: Cast a spell

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