Muffle it against the sofa.

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 18:14, 8 January 2019 by Boltox (Talk | contribs)
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Ellie decides to try and hide her suffering and screech into the sofa, despite that it is still quiet loud and Joel hears it easly. He takes that as the signal that now is the time to start fucking her. He pulls back quickly, stops for only a moment then begin to push it back in. He does it somewhat slow, as he realizes that she is not having a good time, because she wanted to give him better sex. When he getts to the point where she stopped him the first time he turns back round only to repeat.

He moans with every repetition in pure bliss, this is the best thing he have ever felt! Having sex with such a small girl and in her ass too! He should be disgusted with himself but he cant, something this good cant be wrong, it is like all his worries and aches have wanished and been absorbed by her instead.

To be continued...

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