Serenity: seduce rat.

From Create Your Own Story

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Title: Serenity the novice

Health: 25 Gold: 45 Active effects: Bleeding! x4

Location: The sewers COMBAT!

Mutant rats health: 95% Mutant rats active effects: None

Serenity has many skills in her arsenal, but there was one trait that many people in this world do not have and must be born with. Her natural seduction was a fierce weapon when Serenity wanted to get her way in a situation that wasn't working out for her.

Serenity grabs her zipper that started from her neck and undid her leather chest piece halfway down. It was more than enough to show her cleavage off.

With a clean swipe, the rat gives off a final blow that knocks Serenity flat on the ground. What in the hell was Serenity thinking, why would this tactic work in any way? It's a rat, one giant mutant rat. What; showing off Serenity's body was going to magically seduce the rat and she wins the fight from meaningless sex? This rat wants to eat, kill and nest to give off a swarm of little rats, not calm down and watch a blonde adventurer strip and give herself away for a cheap way out.

Serenity: ending: results 1.

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