Critical Role - Jester - Pee Out Of Your Window In Lavish Chateau

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 12:40, 3 December 2018 by Demon Scribe (Talk | contribs)

You take a step towards your en suite bathroom, before turning to look at your window. A sly grin spreads across your face as you waddle over to it and undo the latch. It opens inwards and gives you a view of Nicodranas far below you, which stretches out until it reaches the beach and the sea beyond. The Mother’s Lighthouse shines bright, even in the early morning light. Looking down, you can only see maybe 3 or 4 people walking through the path below.

Another pang from your bladder compells you to hurry. Looking on the ledge outside your window, you can see 8” decorative grey stone spikes linining it at regular intervals. Maybe it would be a good idea to anchor yourself to one of them as you do your business, or is this just too risky?

Climb outside:

Too dangerous:

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