D&D: You wake up the next day, tied up in a dungeon

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 19:05, 18 November 2018 by Gougounne (Talk | contribs)

As you regain consciousness, your vision is a little blurred. You're still tired and spent from having being abused by the innkeeper. You suddenly realize something is wrong. You're not in the same room as you were. This one is made of stone. More importantly, you feel yourself being restrained.

While you were passed out, the innkeeper tied you up and brought you in below the inn. Ropes was wrapped around your wrist and ankles. Your wrist has been tied to an iron hoop in the ceiling and the ropes of your ankles have been passed into 2 lower iron hoops before being tied to the ceiling hoop. The result has left you hanging from the ceiling with your legs spread wide. The dark blur over your eyes don't go away and you figure you've been blindfolded. Also, a small ball was tied into your mouth, gagging you and preventing you from making too much noise. You wiggle a little.

Time passes by until you hear a door opens and several people step inside.

You hear a familiar voice, the innkeeper's :"There she is boss."

"Excellent work. I ought to give you a raise for tricking this cute find."

The innkeeper grins. The blindfold over your eyes is removed and you make up three men. The innkeeper and two other shady character.

"Hrm.. hello sweetie. You are probably wondering what is going on don't you ?" the man in the middle nag. Your heart skips a beat when he explains you've fallen upon the hideout of a thieve's den.

D&D: The thieves guild leader decides he want to try this helpless elven slut for himself.

D&D: The thieves guild leader orders that you be brought to the twin so they can break you in

D&D: The thieves guild leader ask that you be brought to the service area

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