Use the holopad to masturbate

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You felt that the fog won't ever leave until you use the holopad makeshifting it as Brunson to satisfy the urge.

You walked around the desk and sat down on your office chair to just get it over with.

You turned on the picture of Brunson...and then lowered your pants to reveal your two balls and tube in between. It made you repulsive of yourself...yet it was a sacrafice so you wouldn't do it on Brunson.

You massaged the top of the flat tube and the top sides of the plush balls with where the holo-image of Brunson is from...shivers ran up your spine.

It felt...wrong...yet it is even worse if you do it on Brunson...possibly costing one of you, even worse both of you emotionally.

You didn't experience any sort of pleasure from it, instead you were just torturing yourself...nearly wasting the sacrifice.

Your body started to anticipate making love as if it remembered the sensation after you started to focus on the temperature of the hard holopad rub onto your tube and balls by accident. Tthe friction on your skin noticeably warmed up the holopad. You then accidentally focused on the sensation as well.

It sent soft fuzzy yet electrical sensations up from your groin and ran up your spine immediately after you started to anticipate it. You grew addicted to it.

You started to focus on the sensations causing your body to anticipate it even slowly built into a churning hurricane while you tube and balls eventually hardened.

You previously thought it was the perfect solution...satisfy the urge before she arrives. lost track of time...and when you should stop before attracting unwanted attention towards yourself.

"Grand Admiral!" You heard a distant voice yell urgently while you had your eyes closed.

"Grand Admiral why are you yelling?!" You heard Brunson yell now clearer while running over.

You opened your eyes as light leaked through your lids. She woke you up from your didn't even remember yelling.

"Grand Admiral who is-?!" Her eyes literally was practically scarred for life while she stood over you.

You didn't know whether to feel awkward that Brunson accidentally watched you climaxed while she rushed to your side thinking you were in trouble or the fact that her face was screen while she watched.

"" She said clearly not believing her eyes clearly in an uncomfortable matter.

She then decided to walk back out and close the door.

That...may be an issue aside from the mess you need to clean.

"You think? I believe you should had known the exact consequences." The fog asked chuckling.

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