Pokesex/Girl/Alola/Lillie/Watch porn/Stop

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Close call. If you waited a little longer, the professor would have seen you partly naked with a porn video on your phone! It didn't take long for him to notice you. It seems like he already wants something from you.

Kukui: Alola Lillie! I barely have time to talk, but I have a request for you. Could you head to the house where new people moved in? A boy named Sun should be there!

Lillie: But professor, you know I get lost quickly...

Kukui: Trust me on this one, you will absolutely find it. If you step outside and look north you should see it!

Lillie: Well, okay..

Kukui smiles at you, when you step outside. You follow the path that leads north, but you somehow ended up in Iki Town!

Lillie: Did the professor mean up this pathway?

You're doubting yourself whether you took the right path or not. You should probably go...

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