Katie eats the extra exlax

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Revision as of 09:50, 9 July 2018 by Crazyair2006 (Talk | contribs)
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Condition Nervous, Embarrassed Apparel and Items: T-Shirt, and an Undersized Bra
Day, Time Thursday, Immediately After School
Need to Bathroom Very badly
Level of Humiliation Embarrassed

"No I don't want more" Katie says

"Eat it or we kick you out and you'll most likely poop your pants" the female coach says waiving the bigger piece of exlax

"Ok fine" Katie says as she grabs the piece and eats it.

"Ok now take your pants and panties completely off please" the head coach says

Katie's stomach starts to make gurgling noises the urge to poo is growing. She hurriedly strips from the waist down

the coaches go through Katie's poo

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