R1: Walk up to him

From Create Your Own Story

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You were always interested in his species and now seems to be the perfect opportunity for it. You walk up to him and he takes off his welding mask.

"Hello Bistan", you say.

"Chancellor! What can I do for your highness?", he asks politely.

It is quite rare that one of the rebel leader is talking to a normal soldier if he doesn't have a mission for them.

"I need you to get me out of here. Unnoticed.", you whisper.

"What do you mean?... I mean.. of course your highness!"

"Is your U-Wing ready?"

"Yes I just finished repairing this broken engine, but it should be working now."

"Very good, let's start right now."

"As you wish, your highness."

You follow him into the U-Wing and sit down in the passenger room, which feels quite uncomfortable for your standards but it works.

"Are you ready, chancellor?", Bistan asks from the pilot seat.

R1: "Yes, we can start"

R1: "No wait! I need you to check if these handcuffs are working first."

R1: "No! I'm going to fly myself!"

Star Wars: The Complete Erotic Saga
Mon Mothma
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

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