PFS: Zeldana: Decide to lighten the burden of their purse of some wealthy citizens

From Create Your Own Story

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You decide to throw yourself in the crowd and see if luck will fill your pockets today. You find a packed crowd in the markets and easily moves yourself through it. The proximity of many people pressed together can be intimidating at first but you are used to it, having a lot of practice. You move in the crowd like a fish through water, staying focused on finding a good mark while ignoring the distraction.

You find it in a man wearing aristocratic robes, having a hard time weaving through the crowd as he tries to get from one stall to the other. You grin and approach your mark, excusing yourself as you push yourself upon him. You purposely shoved you front against his, the proximity of your body making him suddenly a little bit uncomfortable. "Pardon me !" you excuse yourself in a polite manner while your nimble fingers slide to his belt to find his sack of coins. You find it as he blushes while eyeing the dark-skinned beauty who seems glued to him and he fumble an apology himself. Your fingers find the prize and you quickly flick a short blade to your hands, cutting the rope of his purse. With another swift motion, you scoop up the bag filled with coin and move it to your side. At the same time you, gently press your hand on his chest, smiling at him coyly before moving out of his way.

You casualy let the crowd pushes you away before regaining control and rapidly making your way to a nearby alley to escape the crowd with your prize.

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