PFS: Zeldana : Begin her story

From Create Your Own Story

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You are Zeldana, a varisian rogue hailing from Varisia. Before you stroke out on your own, you spent your life like so many young varisian, following a caravan and traveling the regions. You're life was spent as a nomad, moving from one town to the next. You learned to defend your families and how to con and pickpocket as is the way of many of your people. You're people tend to follow two paths. Stay with the caravan or be greedy and joins one of the large organised crime syndicate located in some major towns. You did neither and instead, simply tempt fate by following your own destiny.

As a varisian woman, Zeldana was gifted with an envious body. Lovely curves and the dark tone of her skin gives her an air of exotic beauty. Her professions keeps her in shape, fit and nimble and her body is that of a dancer. Her long rich browm hair is the color of chocolate. She keeps them mostly tied to avoid getting in her way but they cascade behind her back when let loose.

Her travel led her to Magnimar, the City of Monuments, where our heroine seek out her next adventure, or just some easy money. As she enters the city in the afternoon, she sees the massive broken bridge that makes for the city's nickname. The impressive structure is in ruin and a testament to some ancient civilization. Rumours speaks of several such ruins lying about in the city, hidden.

What do you do ?

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